The purpose of a regrind is to reduce the behind the edge (BTE) thickness of a blade and thereby improving cutting geometry. In order to prevent overheating of the edge, I use a variable speed grinder at low speeds and grind wet.

All regrinds include sharpening on the TSPROF using diamond stones. I do NOT offer sharpening separate from the regrinding service.

Regrind requirements:

-Hollow jig regrinds only

-Blade length 5” and under

-Disassembly must be possible

-Not sentimental or irreplaceable

-$1000 or less in value (if it’s easy to do I can be flexible here)


-$110 shipped, $100 for each additional blade as long as they all fit in a small flat rate box. An additional $10-20 for swedges depending on complexity (if very simple no extra charge).

Hinderer XM-18 3.5” Bowie Hollow Jig Regrind